Dedication | Devotion | Discipline
1 to 1 Mindset Coaching
Tap into your greatest Authentic Potential
Live with Greater Intention, Confidence & Peace
Master Emotional Maturity
Expand your Awareness
Deepen Your Presence & Openness
Discover Deeper Vulnerability & Intimacy with Yourself
Speak with Greater Clarity & Precision
Set a Higher Standard To Live By
Create Powerful Relationships
Take Ownership & Responsibility of your Life!
Weekly 1:1 Calls
Unlimited Access To Anton *Within Reason
Customized Programming (Meditations & Activations)
Weekly Assignments & Accountability Check-Ins
$3,300 or $1,250/mo *3 Month Commitment
Masculine Embodiment Mentorship
Become the man you are meant to be:
Establish A Grounded Presence
Access More Patience & Understanding
Lear To Communicate With Greater Clarity & Precision
Build Greater Compassion & Empathy
Age With Greater Vitality
Express Yourself More Authentically
Take Greater Ownership & Responsibility
Live With Greater Purpose & Direction
Create More Discipline In Your Life
Weekly 1:1 Calls
Unlimited Access To Anton *Within Reason
Customized Programming (Meditations & Activations)
Weekly Assignments & Accountability Check-Ins
$3,300 or $1,250/mo *3 Month Commitment